Chosen family, or family of choice, is made up of people that fulfill the roles that family of origin often do. This can include care taking, emotional support, financial support, and sharing time at holidays or other special events.
Category: C
Words that start with C
Comet (noun) – A regular partner, possibly long-distance, that one connects with infrequently.
We see each other once a year, at the conference. We’ve been doing this for the past 10 years.
Compersion (noun) – The state of being happy for another person’s happiness. Often used to describe being happy at seeing one’s romantic partner experiencing happiness with other partners.
Chris and Dotty are romantic partners. Dotty is also romantically involved with Stan. Chris feels compersion when he sees how happy Dotty is with Stan.
Further Reading
Consensual Non-Monogamy
See Ethical Non-Monogamy.
Couple Privilege
Couple Privilege is the advantage a two person partnership has. It is a priority that is given to a couple over other relationships. Often this is manifested in society when the couple is open to the world about their own relationship, but not other relationships. It is often seen when an invitation is made with a +1 and it is assumed the known partner is will be the +1.
Further Reading
Poly For Us article: What is Couple Privilege?